Striking a Balance with your Screen Time

Striking a Balance with your Screen Time

Limiting your Social Media Screen time and Excessive Device Usage Most of our life revolves around a phone or computer screen. As summer comes, instead of seeking new adventures, many Canadians are settling for online games, social media and new series to binge watch....
Why are computer updates so painful?

Why are computer updates so painful?

Are Software Updates Necessary? From the antivirus that slows your “work from home” boot up every morning, to the smartphone lags that force you into an update, software seems so needy. You are not alone wondering if you have time for that coffee when your update says...
Tune Up Your WiFi Network

Tune Up Your WiFi Network

Once the world got a taste of the internet, expanding the internet experience by making it more accessible in homes, workspaces and public spaces was the next logical step. Today, we use WiFi with a growing array of devices, such as smart TVs, printers, smart...